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Beginning Folk Dances With Phyllis Weikart DVD

Product Description
This DVD collection of 134 folk dances taught by Phyllis S Weikart, one of the country's leading authorities on international folk dance, was created so that people of all backgrounds and ages from second graders to senior citizens could learn and enjoy the wonderful experience of folk dancing. For each dance, there is a teaching strategies section taught by Phyllis, followed by a demonstration of the entire sequence performed by a mixed-age group of students. The dances are organized by motor development difficulty so they can be taught sequentially. The program includes a special section giving examples of the SAY & DO process that helps students improve their mastery of the dances and demonstrations of basic folk dance steps and patterns, handholds, and formations. In this collection of 6 DVDs, Phyllis demonstrates her proven approach to teaching folk dance, one that ensures the success of both teachers and their students.